RJE design, fabricate and deliver modular transportable Switchroom solutions, utilizing our unique GRC cladding system designed to stand up to the most demanding locations and climates Australia has to offer.
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To complement our other modular products, we have developed our Transient Station as a temporary & re-usable solution when working in remote areas across the country or world. The transient site is made up of different modules consisting of the following areas: office/work stations, meeting room, bathroom facilities & kitchen/dining amenities. Whether you are located near a wind farm, mine site or simply needing a hub facility in the short term, our Transient Station can cover your office capability needs.
Download the brochure for more information.
RJE can fabricate skid-mounted substation bays from 11kV up to 220kV, fully commissioned and tested, inclusive of protection and control, to meet network grade distribution and transmission standards.
BoP Blocks for Gas, Fuel, Power
The PowerBLOCK has three main functions. Firstly, it contains a 575KVA black start generator to provide initial power for the station start up. The second is to provide auxiliary site power with a HV/KLV transformer and an automatic changeover system from the black start generator. The third task is to house the associated switchboards, protection relays and DC battery systems.
Voltage – 11.5-13.8/0.400-0.480kV
Frequency – 50 & 60Hz
Rating – 630kVA
Fault Level – 25kA
The GasBLOCK module is a fuel gas conditioning system for gas turbines and reciprocating engines. The base module comprises an electric pre-heater and dual redundant pressure reduction stages with filter coalescers.? Over pressure and low temperature protection can be provided by a safety instrument system. Other equipment available with the GasBLOCK module include inlet fuel gas scrubbers, electric super-heaters, flow meters, gas valves and instrument gas conditioning.
Gas Flow Rate – 22,000 kg/h (pending heating value and dew point temperature)
Delivery Pressure – Up to 2070kPA
The FuelBLOCK module firstly unloads tanker trucks and transfers the raw liquid fuel to storage tanks. It then removes water and particulates from the raw fuel using centrifugal separation and transfers the clean fuel to storage tanks. The FuelBLOCK then delivers the clean fuel to gas turbines or reciprocating engine. Other equipment available for operation with the FuelBLOCK 50 module includes 85kL fuel storage tanks complete with level control and safety shut off valves and final filtration skids for gas turbines.
Rated Fuel Flow – 14400I/h (2 outlets @ 7200I/h)
Rated Delivery Pressure – 210kPA
Clean Fuel Quality – Particle separation <5µm, filtration β (10µm) = 1000
Clean Fuel Storage Capacity – 2 tanks @ 85000 litres
The GridBLOCK is suited to the connection of both thermal and renewable power plants to sub transmission and transmission networks. The standard module is rated at 50MVA however the design is scalable up to 300MVA. Modules consist of a multi-wound transformer connected via GIS busbar to a single bay, outdoor GIS switchgear block which is then connected directly to an overhead line. The solution is “touch safe” and removes the need for costly outdoor switchyards.
Voltage – 11.5-13.8/66-132kV
Frequency – 50 & 60 Hz
Rating – 50MVA to 300MVA
Fault Level – 40kA